Patricia Kreiser is a talented author-illustrator and proud mom who absolutely loves creating picture stories! She draws inspiration from her family’s experiences, imagination, and real life adventures. A graduate of Pratt Institute and a member of SCBWI, she is extremely appreciative of the support and guidance of her mentors and fellow creatives in her life. Some of her earliest and best childhood memories included endless hours with Breyer horses, drawing (not on the walls) and reading pretty much anything! A few inspirational favorites included The Tales of Peter Rabbit, The Monster at the End of this Book, and Bread and Jam for Frances. She hopes her stories will one day be someone’s favorite childhood memory. Originally from central Pennsylvania, where she met and married her high school sweetheart, she resides with her supportive family in her studio-home just minutes from Philadelphia.
Always Together, her debut picture book, was released January 1, 2024. It is a special story about two otters who are always together, until one day they are not. One is left behind and nothing is the same. It is a story of few words that address the big topic of missing someone special. This heart tugging tale emerged from witnessing her own children and their friends navigate the experience of loss and separation due to a variety of circumstances. She hopes Always Together might find its way into the hands of someone who needs it most. Perhaps it will spark a conversation acknowledging a loss, encouraging one to remember the best times, provide hope, and highlight empathy from those nearby.
School Visits
Would you like Patricia to visit your school or organization? She is available for signings, readings, age appropriate presentations regarding her book specifically, how she arrived at her debut picture book, and the challenging and seldom perfect process of authoring and illustrating a picture book. School visits involve up to 3- 45 minute presentations per day for a fee, or with book signing time. What is important to you? Each school and organization’s scope and budget are different, so she would welcome the opportunity to work out a specially designed program for you!
For further information and discussion, please e-mail

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